Monday, June 30, 2014

Forever Living Success Story

What does it take to receive a US$954,023.63 Profit Sharing check.
After searching for several years, I discovered Forever Living Products and it has been an incredible journey ever since. I attributes my success in Forever Living Products to keeping the system simple, fair and applying my personal motto “Don’t dream your life, but live you dreams” to my work.Very powerful system! So simple! It works! “An opportunity such as offered to us by Forever Living Products, is unlikely to ever come again.This is why I intend to make full use of this chance.” ~ Rolf Kipp GermanyForever Living Success Story Forever Living Success Story After 3 years of working with this powerful system of Forever Living Products, Katrin made over US$ 1,000,000.00 per year.Now she has established her FLP business in 18 countries. ~ Katrin U.S.A

1 comment:

  1. Hello
    I am Sanjay Saw. (Artist,Youtuber & Entrepreneur)

    “If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.” - Warren Buffett

    There is a big difference between an Entrepreneur and an Employee/ Professional. Employee earns until he is actively working but an entrepreneur develops a business method such that he gets income even when he is asleep. An Engineer, a lawyer, a charted accountant or a doctor will earn only for how much time he is working for his customer. A doctor can’t earn if he is on leave from work but a businessman makes such a recurring revenue model such that he would be enjoying a lemonade on some beach in Dubai but someone else is working for him.

    “Short-term pain equals long-term gains”

    You might have heard the story of Bruno and Pablo where Pablo works hard to setup a pipeline for water instead of carrying the water buckets everyday and as a result of his hard work, Pablo succeeds in growing the business exponentially whereas Bruno earned very less even after carrying the water buckets daily.
    It’s a great example of passive income.

    Representation of Pablo and Bruno with their works. Source: Shutter stock

    What can we learn from Bruno and Pablo?
    Having a job or making capital gains is the same process as walking with buckets. Every month most people work a certain amount of hours and get paid for their work, one month’s work for one month’s salary. With capital gains a risk is taken when we place money into something and then we hope for the price of that thing to go up, if it goes up and we sell with a profit we have made a capital gain. The capital gain is a one-time deal just like the salary, if you want more capital gain you have to do the process one more time, like the next month at work.

    To build a pipeline for passive income streams on the other hand is a totally different process. Usually there is a lot of work involved and we don’t get paid for the time we put in. When we want to build passive income streams we will get paid based on performance and we have to deal with delayed gratification. A lot of people might think it´s unfair that there is a small group of people that have most of the assets in the world but the fact is that most of those people worked really hard on their success and were OK with delayed gratification.

    Bill Gates has stated that he didn´t take one day off from work in his twenties, that’s what I would call dedication for success. He didn´t get paid for every hour he put in at work, he got paid later on when people started using Microsoft´s products all over the world. He didn´t even care about the money, he wanted to change the world, and he did. Becoming the richest man in the world was just a bi-product.

    In today’s world there are infinite number of ways to earn a passive income: (I’m stating few of them here)
    1) Network Marketing
    2) Youtube and other social media platforms
    3) Affiliate Marketing
    4) Investing/Trading
    5) Rent your stuff

    The ways to passive income which I think is most effective among all are: Network Marketing(with a good company), Youtube Videos and Affiliate Marketing. Because in these you don’t need any financial investment, all you need is consistency and initial hard work and you enjoy a beautiful passive income for the rest of your life.
    Look at the successful Network Marketers,Youtubers, and other Entrepreneurs if you don’t believe.

    Network Representation

    It’s time for you to take off from the world of employees to the employers.

    Contact on whatsapp:-
